The company "DESARROLLOS ARZEK CAPITAL, SOCIEDAD ANÓNIMA PROMOTORA DE INVERSIÓN DE CAPITAL VARIABLE", which operates under the trade name ARZEK CAPITAL, domiciled at: Carretera Base Aérea, Number 3640, Interior 4L, Colonia San Juan de Ocotan, Zapopan, Jalisco, C.P. 45019, is responsible for collecting your personal data, the use given to them and their protection.

Your personal information will be used to provide the services and products you have requested, specifically real estate marketing for the sale or lease of real estate, to inform you about changes in the same, and to evaluate the quality of service we provide. In order to be able to initiate our efforts we need to obtain the following personal data:

- Full name.
- Address.
- Home phone.
- Cell phone.
- E-mail address.
- Tax information.

In some cases, when it is strictly necessary for the signing of purchase and sale or lease agreements, we may also collect the following information: Official identification, RFC, CURP, proof of income, personal, work or commercial references, marital status, occupation, date and place of birth, proof of income.

All your personal data are treated in accordance with the applicable legislation in force in the country, therefore we inform you that you have at all times the rights (ARCO), so you have the right to access, rectify and cancel your personal data, as well as to oppose the processing thereof or revoke consent for that purpose have given us, through the procedures we have implemented. To learn about such procedures, requirements and deadlines, you can contact our personal data department at ARZEK CAPITAL, located at: Carretera Base Aérea, Number 3640, Interior 4L, Colonia San Juan de Ocotan, Zapopan, Jalisco, C.P. 45019, or visit our website

We reserve the right to modify or update this privacy notice at any time, in order to comply with new legislation, internal policies or new requirements for the provision or offering of our services or products. These modifications, if any, will be available to the public through our website

Through these channels you can update your data and specify the means by which you wish to receive information, since, if you do not have this specification, ARZEK CAPITAL will freely establish the channel it deems appropriate to send you information.
We inform you that your personal data may be transferred and processed inside and outside the country, by subsidiaries of ARZEK CAPITAL, subsidiaries, affiliates and controlling companies of the responsible, for the same purposes mentioned above. Likewise, we inform you that your personal data may be transmitted to be processed by persons other than this company.


The Holder may request "DESARROLLOS ARZEK CAPITAL, SOCIEDAD ANÓNIMA PROMOTORA DE INVERSIÓN DE CAPITAL VARIABLE", to stop receiving promotional messages by telephone, cell phone, mail or email and other means permitted by law, following the procedure established for this purpose, which is set forth as follows: The request must contain:

● The name of the holder, address and email addresses to communicate the response to your request.
● The documents that prove the identity, or in its case the legal representation of the holder.
● The clear and precise description of the personal data regarding which you want to limit its use or disclosure.
● Any other element or document that facilitates the location of the corresponding personal data.
● The request must be delivered either to the email or to the address located at: Carretera Base Aérea, Number 3640, Interior 4L, Colonia San Juan de Ocotan, Zapopan, Jalisco, C.P. 45019.

Once received the request for limitation on the use or disclosure of personal data, the Department of Personal Data, will have a maximum period of twenty working days to resolve the request of merit, which will be effective within a maximum period of fifteen working days, counted from the date on which the holder was communicated the answer.
The procedure described above is free, except for justified shipping costs (parcels) that may be merited, may be borne by the holder. The procedure in question is issued without prejudice to any other more expeditious mechanism that may be placed in each means of "DESARROLLOS ARZEK CAPITAL, SOCIEDAD ANÓNIMA PROMOTORA DE INVERSIÓN DE CAPITAL VARIABLE".
The above procedure as far as it covers will be applicable to cases of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition (arch rights) of the use of personal data.


The Data Subject expressly consents to the processing of his/her personal data in accordance with the terms and conditions of this privacy notice, if he/she does not express his/her refusal to that effect through the means already indicated herein.

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